Making a difference and raising awareness in various ways
Get in touch if you would like to get involved in helping people with dementia in Eastbourne and the surrounding areas.
We are currently involved in the following activities:
Information and advice provision - We will update the website regularly with details of dementia support services available in Eastbourne and the surrounding areas.
Public information stands - Our Volunteers run public information display stands in venues around Eastbourne, signposting people to services and sources of additional information.
Information packs - We can provide dementia literature for your business / organisation to display in public areas.
Linking you to experts with experience - We will encourage our Eastbourne Dementia Inclusive Community Charter Supporters – and others - to engage with Sea DEEP to hear from the experts with lived experience of dementia so they can reassure themselves that their services are as dementia inclusive as possible. This could be in the form of physical audits or walk-throughs of premises or social areas, attending strategic meetings in the development of services, or assisting staff in training and understanding dementia from a lived experience.