Besides Volunteering, perhaps you could make a donation, run a fundraiser, or sponsor us?
Every action helps raise awareness about dementia and enables us to achieve our goals of helping people living with dementia to stay as independent as possible, for as long as possible.
As a charity with limited resources, we welcome donations to support our work as these enable us to plan for the future and plan new projects. If you wish to make a donation please use the button on the home page of this website. Or you can send a cheque. This should be made payable to “Eastbourne Dementia Action Alliance” and addressed to the EDAA at: Unit E, Dittons Business Park, Dittons Road, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6HY.
Based on the voices of people living with dementia in Eastbourne and the surrounding areas, our project objectives mirror those of Sea DEEP members and are outlined below so that the voices of people living with dementia are heard loud and clearly in every aspect of our work.
Partner with us by "signing up" to our Eastbourne Dementia Inclusive Community Charter
Be part of something that you or your organisation is proud to support
Prove to people living with dementia in Eastbourne and the surrounding areas that you or your organisation realises how important it is to raise awareness about how dementia can affect a person and also how people's lives can be improved through support, kindness and the sharing of information.
Inform people about dementia inclusive services and initiatives in our community and help others to develop more, this will support both people living with dementia and their families, friends, and carers to live more independently in our community.
We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for the community to get actively involved.
This is an easy and efficient way of contributing to the great work we do at the Eastbourne Dementia Action Alliance.
Get in touch with any questions about how you can partner with us today.

This is what they say:
1. ‘A place where we are treated as an individual and supported to keep our independence.’
The EDAA and Sea DEEP want to work with local businesses to raise awareness of dementia through ‘Dementia Friends’ information sessions and assist businesses to be reactive to people’s further needs through understanding the ‘sunflower lanyard scheme’ and recognising the need to support individuals facing difficulties in our community.
2. ‘A place where we have a voice and are listened to.’
The EDAA will help facilitate this through our networking with local businesses and organisations.
3. ‘A place where communal spaces are accessible for people living with dementia and where specific requirements have been considered.’
The EDAA will share what people living with dementia want and need in Eastbourne and the surrounding areas.
4. ‘Where the physical environment is sympathetic to the specific needs of people living with dementia.’
They live here, they know what they want and need. Just because they may have dementia, it doesn't mean that their voices should stop being heard.
5. ‘A place where we are able to get out and travel independently.’
We want to link people in the community to the members of Sea DEEP so people can hear from the ‘experts with lived experience’ to understand their specific needs such as travelling independently and to adapt with the voices of people living with dementia at the heart of all we do.
6. ‘A place where post diagnosis professional advice and support is available, including Admiral Nurses.’
We want Eastbourne and the surrounding areas to be a model of good practice that others will try to emulate.
7, ‘A place where national and local initiatives are implemented consistently, can be relied upon and the benefits are accessible and tangible for people living with dementia.’
The EDAA will share information about national initiatives so that people are aware about up-to-date initiatives and legislation affecting their lives.
8. ‘A place where information on services and support has been collated and is available in one place.’
We need the whole community to support the EDAA so we can develop a central resource point for people living with dementia and those supporting them to access current information advice and support. We aim to signpost people living with dementia to dementia inclusive and friendly services in the local area.
9. ‘A place where there is a variety of services and support for people living with dementia at different stages.’
We want people to have more choices!
You could help us achieve them!
We want to connect the entire dementia community in Eastbourne and the surrounding areas. By working together, we can create a pathway for people living with dementia, our professional connections are vital for assisting individuals to navigate their way through their dementia journey while accessing appropriate support and care. We want to facilitate conversation through peer support and meetings to build connections and a responsive support network.
To achieve these comprehensive objectives with the support of the entire community, we need:
Funding to pay for the professional time and drive to manage this project.
People living with dementia to support this work and guide us to ensure we keep on track and build a community that you want to live in, we need your time and expertise.
Volunteers to support our Dementia Friend’s sessions and our information stands where we educate individuals about the sunflower lanyard scheme.
Professional investment in the form of time – we need your time to work with us to understand the needs of the dementia community.
Everyone’s support to keep us updated and informed of what is happening in our community- by telling us of new initiatives, groups, sessions, information and advice we can keep our resource up to date to ensure we are helping all those living with a dementia diagnosis to access all the information available to them in the easiest form so that it isn’t a constant struggle.
Recent funding and donations have allowed us to hire the services of a part-time administrator.
Working with the Trustees and Volunteers, this role has helped to raise our profile amongst organisations within the community and, with everyone’s combined efforts, there is a heightened awareness about dementia in the community. Change happens in the community through learning. For example:
A Sea DEEP member living with dementia experienced difficulties when using the escalator in Marks and Spencer Eastbourne but a staff member, understanding the impact of dementia upon person, was able to reassure and assist the person;
The EDAA and Sea DEEP are planning a walk through / audit at Eastbourne Railway Station to ensure the physical environment is suitable for people living with dementia;
We have held public information display stands and signposted many people to local services and initiatives;
We have held several Dementia Friends information sessions, giving all attendees a much better understanding of how dementia affects a person.
Other projects that funding and donations assist with include:
Getting this webpage up and running so we become more visible to Eastbourne residents who need signposting to dementia services;
Launching the Eastbourne Dementia Inclusive Community Create charter which will highlight to local organisations, businesses, and individuals how every action they take could benefit the wider dementia community;
Working far more closely with Sea DEEP, supporting their meetings, and ensuring we really do have people living with dementia at the heart of all we do.
There are various ways you may be able to "donate". For example, this may be through:
offering premises or rooms to host EDAA meetings;
sponsoring EDAA events for specific purposes (eg contributions towards venue hire costs and / or refreshments for larger events, providing photocopying facilities for delegate packs content, offering staff support at events eg registration, catering etc);
nominating the EDAA as your charity of the year and running fundraising activities;
releasing staff, students or members for a couple of hours to support us on specific projects (eg supporting dementia cafés, running information stands, or perhaps more office-based support by helping with writing grant funding applications, policies, or press articles);
telling more people about the Eastbourne Dementia Inclusive Community Charter (we can provide the necessary documentation and information. By sharing knowledge more widely we will help create a dementia inclusive community.