The Eastbourne Dementia Action Alliance (EDAA) knows it will take understanding, care and action to make our community a more inclusive place.
This is why we have launched the Eastbourne Dementia Inclusive Community Charter which aims to draw together organisations and businesses from around the Eastbourne area to support people living with dementia and their families, friends, and carers.
The Charter will show the community's willingness to work together in different ways to improve the lives of people living with dementia.
By "signing up" and indicating your commitment to the Eastbourne Dementia Inclusive Community Charter you will help us achieve our goals of making Eastbourne and the surrounding areas one large community where people with dementia live their lives as fully and independently for as long as possible, knowing they have the support and understanding of people around them in the town.​
Whether you are a business, organisation, charity, church group, club, retailer, or social group, everyone is welcome to join.​ An application form can be obtained via the button below. (If you would like to receive a copy of the application form in an alternative format please contact the EDAA by phone or email.)
We are grateful to the Sussex Community Fund and the Aviva Community Fund (partnered with Crowd Funder) and other donors for their generous financial support without which we wouldn't have been able to take this project forward.