Listed below is some brief information which may be helpful.
It will be added to regularly but if you have any hints, tips or advice which aren’t listed that could help others living with dementia, or if there are any other topics you’d like us to feature, please let us know.
Get your symptoms checked out
If at all worried about a possible diagnosis of dementia, if you think you may be experiencing the common symptoms of dementia (ie memory loss, lack of attention or concentration, changes in your senses, difficulties finding the right words or other communication challenges, changes in your mood and motivation), then we would recommend you visit your GP and ask to be referred to a Memory Assessment Clinic for a possible diagnosis.
There may well be something else causing your symptoms, don't assume you have a form of dementia.
It's best to get checked out sooner rather than later.
If diagnosed, you will then be able to educate yourself - and your family - on the type of dementia you have and its common symptoms so that you can better plan for the future.
If diagnosed, plan for the future, & get your financial affairs in order
If diagnosed, talk as soon as possible to a solicitor - and your bank - to get some advice on how your affairs, both health and financial, could be managed going forwards.
Support is available to help you understand complicated legal documents and make difficult legal decisions for Lasting Powers of Attorney for (i) Health and Welfare and (ii) Property and Financial Affairs.
Amongst its Supporters, the EDAA works with organisations who understand the specific needs and challenges for people living with dementia and their families and we can signpost you to a few. Please note, however, that we neither endorse nor guarantee in any way these organisations; the information will be given purely by way of a guide so you can make your own decisions.
Consider too making an Advance Statement. It's not legally binding but, as a written statement setting out your preferences, wishes, beliefs and values regarding your future care, this guide will have to be considered by anyone who might have to make decisions in your best interest if you have lost the capacity to make decisions or to communicate them.
If diagnosed, there may be potential benefits you - or your family - may be entitled to receive. (Click the underlined links for further information.)
Financial support including, amongst others, Attendance Allowance, and a reduction in your Council Tax;
A Blue Badge - to help you, or someone accompanying you, to park closer to a destination. ;
You may be able to obtain a RADAR key which provides access to locked, disabled toilets when you are out and about;
You could join the Essential Companion Scheme so a carer may be entitled to a free ticket if you need assistance when visiting theatres.
Meet other people living with dementia & get some peer support
There is a dementia community in Eastbourne (Sea DEEP) who will welcome you, and help you -
and your family - come to terms with your diagnosis. You will meet other people in our community who are living with dementia and will share tips and hints on how to live as positively as possible with dementia. They are the dementia experts; after all, they are living with the condition. Together we will be helping Sea DEEP members to influence how they live their lives in Eastbourne.