PLEDGES (Organisation Membership)

Charter membership is open to businesses and organisations in the public sector who are willing to pledge to undertake all of the below. Once you have chosen your pledges, either follow the link below to the application form or email and request one.
Once completed by the key contact at your organisation - who will be responsible for ensuring the commitments are met - return the form to the EDAA for consideration. ​
Pledge 1
Promote the EDAA’s “Eastbourne Dementia Inclusive Community Charter” to other businesses or organisations within your sector. We can provide introductory text, if required.
Pledge 2
Follow the EDAA Facebook page (@EastbourneDementiaActionAlliance) and please re-tweet and share with your followers.
Pledge 3
Fundraising: commit to at least three EDAA fundraising initiatives per year. These could include nominating the EDAA as your charity of the year, raising money internally through tombolas, raffles, displaying EDAA collection tins in public areas or, perhaps, setting up monthly donations. Please provide the EDAA’s Charity Co-ordinator at with a schedule of the fund raising activities you will be undertaking. The Co-ordinator will also be able to advise you if you have any queries about any of the options.
Pledge 4
Display an EDAA poster and our Dementia Information Leaflet on notice boards and/or in public areas.
Pledge 5
Charter Partners to schedule an in-house 1-2 hour Dementia awareness session for colleagues /staff members. Please contact the EDAA’s Charity Co-ordinator so we can ensure our training partners (DISC) liaise with your organisation.
Pledge 6
Learn from the experts by experience, Sea DEEP, a local dementia peer-to-peer support group. If you are running an activity/event, or if you’re a retailer or public service provider, engage with Sea DEEP. The group can help guide you, for example, in your delivery of services, providing first-hand knowledge and experience on how to become more Dementia inclusive. Ask the EDAA for an introduction.
PLEDGES (Associate Membership)

Charter membership is also open to charities, CICs and other not for profit groups. All you have to do is choose at least two commitments that you pledge to undertake from the list below. Once you have chosen your pledges, either follow the link below to the application form or email and request one.
Once completed by the key contact at your organisation - who will be responsible for ensuring the commitments are met - return the form to the EDAA for consideration. ​
Pledge 1
To attend EDAA networking events and to share information and collaborate with other services to make Eastbourne more dementia inclusive.
Pledge 2
Follow the EDAA Facebook page (@EastbourneDementiaActionAlliance) and share details of Dementia inclusive services and initiatives. (We would be happy to publicise your charity/organisation on our social media pages.)
Pledge 3
Display an EDAA poster and/or sticker, and Dementia related information on notice boards and/or in public areas, signposting where people can go for help and support if concerned about a possible diagnosis of Dementia.
Pledge 4
Learn from the experts by experience, Sea DEEP. If you are running an activity/event, or if you’re a retailer or public service provider, engage with Sea DEEP – the group can help guide you, for example, in your delivery of services, providing first-hand knowledge and experience on how to make your event, activity or space more inclusive to everyone - but especially to people living with Dementia. Ask the EDAA for an introduction as part of your “sign-up".
Pledge 5
Other – your own suggestions. Please provide details with your application and the Trustees will consider whether it reflects the EDAA’s objectives.